brief: Come up with a Concept for our College Coffee shop and design packaged elements for it.
The idea behind my Concept was to create some discreet yet powerful.
I really don't like Hastings, so I thought why not use this concept for my coffee shop. No its not pretty and colorful and cute and comforting, wel because neither is Hastings.
The main focus of my Coffee shop is the main wall, which is a google map image of the town highlighting ares of Hastings which are not exactly pretty places to visit.
The idea behind the cups, is that each cup is a destination, and to reveal the destination you peel off the orange paper, which either shows a nasty image of what consists in that place or the place itself.
The sugar is contained in tin foil, to represent Cocain & the milk is contained in a condom, to represent you know what.
Finally the bags, I created a metaphoric illustration that sums up that particular area.
Overall a successful project.